Discussing narrative structure on the 7am Novelist podcast
On Michelle Hoover's The 7am Novelist podcast, I discussed how to find alternative structures and shape your own with host Michelle and writer Christopher Boucher, and how to go "Beyond Freytag" in re-examinging traditional narrative structure in your novel, story or essay.
Talking Tolkien on the Mythmakers podcast
Thank you Oxford Center for Fantasy for inviting me to be on the Mythmakers podcast. Listen as we talk all things fantasy writers --- especially Tolkien --- and the multitude of subcultures they inspired from D&D to LARPing and more.
My TEDx talk now a podcast

Some teenagers play football ... others slay dragons.
Some teenagers play football ... others slay dragons. Morified meets Dungeons & Dragons in this new podcast. Take a listen! [I come on at about the 15 min. mark]
Of Hobbits and Hippies
Over on the Imaginary Worlds podcast, I had a chance to talk about J.R.R. Tolkien, hobbits and hippies, among othert topics.
On GeekBeatRadio to talk about Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things and my recent TEDx Talk
Thrilled to be on geekbeatradio talking about Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things and my recent TEDx Talk. Listen at here.